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Community Partners

We believe that community partnerships are essential to our success. We are proud to work alongside a variety of agencies, churches, and organizations to provide the best possible assistance to our clients.  That's why we partner with a variety of organizations to offer a wide range of services, from healthcare to education to housing. By working together, we can make a real difference the lives of those we serve.

Surrounding County Agencies and Non-profit Organizations:

Delmarva Action Center

His Hope

Haven Neighborhood Services

Ridgeway House

Salvation Army

St. Vincent DePaul

Talbot Interfaith Shelter

Chamber of Commerce Drug Free Coalition

Housing Sub-Committee

Interagency Meetings

Midshore Roundtable on Homelessness

One Stop Partners

Professional Development Sub-Committee

Suicide Prevention and Anti-Bullying Committee

Start Your Recovery

Transportaion Sub-Committee

Agencies we Partner with to assist the Citizens of QAC:
American Job Corp Centers
American Legions
Centreville Police Department
Chesapeake Helps
County Ride
Family Center – Sudlersville
Local Dentists and Healthcare Providers
Local Mental Health Providers
Local Recovery Homes and Programs
QAC Centre for the Arts
QAC Commissioners
QAC Department of Community Services Area Agency on Aging
QAC Department of Health
QAC Department of Health
QAC Department of Social Services
QAC Dept of Health Addictions Treatment and Prevention Services
QAC Housing and Community Services
QAC Local Management Board
QAC Public Schools
QAC Sheriff’s Department
United Way
U of MD Shore Emergency Center at Queenstown
U of MD Shore Medical Center at Dorchester
U of MD Shore Medical Center at Easton
Veterans Services
Wittsit Center

Contact Us

PO Box 466,

Queenstown, MD 21658 


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Haven Ministries is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, contributions to which are tax deductible to the extent of the law.  Tax ID:  27-1048008.  

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